This is Otakudom: Does for anime what "The Sound of Music" did for hills




Behind the Scenes


The Reality

This is Otakudom:
A film by Martin Cinemacher

News Flash:
"This is Otakudom" will be shown at Anime Weekend Atlanta!!!

The Cast and Crew of NoNDE studios would like to welcome you to the official This is Otakudom website. Although, "official" might be too strong a word, since this web crew isn't getting any money for their work, and neither has anybody else on the project. NO sponsers for liscencing cash, no nothing. I think we even lost money on this deal. Where is the funding coming from? But whatever. We, the very poor people involved, would like to welcome you to our equally poor website. (you can tell because we have banner ads).

Currently, we are in negotiations to arrange for the U.S. World Premiere of This is Otakudom to be shown, appropriately enough, at Otakon 2001. Stay tuned for more details!

The site will be updated whenever we receive new info, or whenever we get a break between running around trying to find particular shots, so check back daily. Actually, scratch that; Don't come back often, so it'll seem like I do a lot when you do come by. how's once a week sound to you?

April 30: We've convinced Marti to rewrite his message to the audience. Seems the last time we caught him, he was a little preoccupied... We expect it to be done after filming is complete.

May 3: On-site producer Ed Dobey has been taking pics on location as filming as been going on. As an exclusive to you, our audience, we have those behind-the-scenes pictures! Just access the Behind the Scenes area.

July 17: For those of you that were at Shojocon, you might have caught the surprise test screening of This is Otakudom, which was received warmly by the viewers! And before you go, be sure to visit our new sister site, This is Otakudom: The Reality, chronicling the making of This is Otakudom.

And if you have any questions or comments that are site related, feel free to drop us a line. Or don't...

Quick Info:

Currently in Production
Director: Martin Cinemacher
Producers: Martin Cinemacher, Edward Dobey

Shojo Fanatic: Suzie Sweetrie  Suzie Sweetrie
Hentai Man: Randy Wolfson  Randy Wolfson
Bishonon Catcher: Donny Gayeman  Donny Gayeman
Hong Kong Film Fan: Andy Akshun  Andy Akshun
Child of the Night: Jareth Darkstrider  Jareth Darkstrider
Fanfic Author: Richard Hackerd  Richard Hackerd
Prepare for Trouble: Jessie Rocket  Jessie Rocket
Make it Double: James Rocket  James Rocket
Gaming Geek: Steve Sweetrie  Steve Sweetrie
Yup, Another One: Murray Mettlegere  Murray Mettlegere

· Days since Otakon premiere:
· Pokemon episodes Tyler has seen IN A ROW: 121
· Autographs Hackerd has signed: 0
· Dresses Donny brought with him: 6
· Number of awkward situations: TOO MANY

Page Layout © Otakorp 1999-2001, so please don't sue penniless otaku webmaster me.