
Needless to say, there were a lot
more people than just the voices of the Anime Club. A lot. Here's everyone
I could track down. And by track down, I mean everybody who sent me their info. If
you should be on this list,
contact me
and we'll get everything straitened out.
Carol Swords Johnson
Voice of: "Pizza Hut" Chiriko, Hotel Front Desk, "Sushi for ten" PA
System, "Unwashed otaku guys" schoolgirl
Favorite Anime: Anything Miyuzaki and/or Studio Ghibli, Slayers,
Vision of Escaflowne
Website: [Alas, Carol has no connectivity]
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "I'm really really gonna try."
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow: "Slower than light,
but faster than spam."
First, that is her real middle name.
This "old wave" fan has been into anime since the seventies.
Thanks to her older sister June, she was part of the old C.F.O. (Cartoon Fantasy
Organization) in Philadelphia in the 80s, one of the first anime clubs in the
United States, and got to watch tons of (untranslated) anime before most people
in the states knew what it was. Other than starting an Anime Club in high school,
this is her first fan project. Otherwise, she spends her time being mundane at
work and weird at Mystic Relms, a
Live-Action RolePlaying Game.
She is a Phantasy Star Online Gaming Widow (perennial
exception being when she is playing it herself).
Douglas "Doug-E-Fresh" Prevete
Voice of: "Jack" Subo/Amiboshi, "Sailor Fuku's" Jason, "Rayearth last
year..." guy, "We're Outta Time" Nadesico guy, Superman, Kermit the Frog
Favorite Anime: [Dragon Ball Z?]
X Capsule Corp X
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Yes... Ladies watch out!"
What is the airspeed: "An African or English swallow?"
Allow myself to introduce myself... I'm Doug, I'm 20 years
old and this will be my second Otakon experience. I love music, movies and anime.
I've liked anime for sometime now, I've just never realized there were people out
there worse than Jon and myself. My favorite animes vary from Dragon Ball Z
to Fushigi Yugi, but I'm not just an anime freak; horror and Sci-Fi rule as
well. Especially Star Wars, and B-rated horror like the Evil Dead
Trilogy. I'm also a musician; I'm the drummer of a Punk band called Off Topic, so
if you like good music too, go see my band... later!
Meredith "Meri" Cantoni
Voice of: "Completely out of foam" Washu, Housekeeping
Favorite Anime: Dragonball, Fushigi Yuugi, Trigun,
Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Ranma 1/2, Kimagure Orange Road,
ToT: Temple O' Trunks
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1, so that your groupies can get a photo with
"Yes, yes I will! My groupies will be
coming along with me, packed in my luggage, with crackers as their sustenance."
What is the airspeed: "Yo' Momma."
Meri has been last seen translating hentai, errr...
tasteful Trunks x Goku doujinshi for her web site. Although her boyfriend does
not approve, she has been known to work on translations deep, deep, deep into the
night, with the lights off. Other than that, she enjoys any anime or manga she can
get her hands on, making music videos, working on her site... wow, she must be a
real dork! [We won't tell anyone, Meri] Her musical tastes shall remain unknown,
as she is still facing charges for stalking members of a certain boy-band.
Michael "VegettoEX" LaBrie
Voice of: "Doused in Gasoline" Goku
Favorite Anime: Trigun, Dragon Ball, Rurouni
Kenshin, Kodomo no Omocha,
Website: Daizenshuu EX
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Of course!"
What is the airspeed: "African or European?"
[Also correct...]
"Too lazy to write a paragraph. Just visit my site."
Rae Feigin
Voice of: "Sonic Costume" Ryoko, "Oh, Lance..." Gekiganger girl
Favorite Anime: Irresponsible Captain Tyler
Website: None
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Hopefully..."
What is the airspeed: "Dunno."
Rae is attending
Brookdale Community College;
it is in the middle of nowhere so don't feel bad that you don't know where it is.
She is member of the theater technician by night and a coffee shop technician by
day. She has always wanted to be a voice in an Anime so this was really cool. She
also hates talking in the third person and using the royal 'we' so that is all
there is to say.
Duane Johnson
Voice of: Himself
Favorite Anime: Maison Ikkoku
Arakis' Place
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Of course! I only staff the darn
What is the airspeed: "If I answer this incorrectly, do I fall to my
death? That wasn't my answer!" ::falling-to-one's-death sounds::
[Webmaster's note: Unfortunately, the legend also known as
Du-Wan Jon-san remains at large elusive ]
Matthew Pyson
Voice of: Himself
Favorite Anime: Dirty Pair, Ranma 1/2, anything from Studio
Website: None
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Sure! Join my fan club! (Yeah, right)"
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow:
"He who would cross the Sea of Fate,
must answer me these questions twenty-eight--
WAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" ::Splash:: ::Sound of Pirhana Frenzy::
Matt watched Warner Brothers cartoons as a kid, Battle
of the Planets (Gatchaman) as a slightly bigger kid, and Heavy
Metal as a teenager. He discovered Bubble Gum Crisis in college and
wound up showing anime to all his friends (four of them later started
Otakon). He became an Otakon video ops staffer
in 1994, and was head of Video Ops 1995-2000. Matt does the Mad Scientist part in
Mystery Anime Theater 3000. Along with Duane Johnson, he is currently one of the
Otakon AMV Contest coordinators. Matt wishes he had more time to actually sit down
and watch some anime with his friends.
Terence Tao
Voice of: "Leave Me Alone" Krillan
Favorite Anime: Ranma 1/2
Website: "::maniacal laughing sounds::"
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "What? A whole weekend with unwashed, cranky, unslept, frustrated, poor Otakus (like me)? Of course!"
What is the airspeed: "42? FORTY-TWO! That's the answer to everything in the universe! Oh, what's the unit? Do I care? I'm no fscking physics major!"
Terry is an Australian who studied at
Princeton, and now works at the
University of California, Los Angeles (a strange
hybrid of an academic institution and a major film set).
No, we Australians aren't secretly taking over the world,
we're just laid back people who love beer and sports (yeah, right).
Blake Deakin
Voice of: "Spinning Bird Kick" Vash, Carl Macek, "Evil Twin" [Gekiganger Guy]
Favorite Anime: Trigun
Website: None
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Yeah, Probably"
What is the airspeed: "Not worth measuring -- can't get a completely correct
reading because by
measuring its velocity, we, in some way, alter it.
(Curse you, Heisenberg!)
"I'll think of something clever in the near future."
[it's the near future!]
Marc McKenzie
Voice of: "In the OAV..." mountain bandit, "And mine!" [Gekiganger Guy]
Also: Responsible for much of the art and graphic work in the parody.
Favorite Anime: Mobile Suit Gundam, Macross, Patlabor
2, Vampire Hunter D (2000), Trigun, Irresponsible
Captain Tylor, Jin-Roh
Website: "No personal site; used to do work for The Slush Factory, plus
fan art posted here & there."
What is the airspeed: "What the #@!* do I look like, a Jeopardy contestant?!"
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "I really, truly, hope so.
If not, my art will."
Do not be fooled by his unassuming looks (well, okay, his
specs and weird looks) or his constant gripe that he "really can't draw" --or the
fact that he looks younger than he really his-- Marc has been an anime fan since
the B.P. era (Before Pokemon). A chance encounter with Robotech while in
high school changed his life for the better (or worse). While he cannot sing,
dance, rap, play sports, and lacks the looks of an actor and/or male model, he
can write and draw somewhat. That's what he says.
In reality, his anime/manga-influenced art has recieved
praise over the years, despite the fact that he spent much of his days at St. Peter's College working on his biology degree.
After earning said degree, he toiled in the consumer products industry for a bit,
while continuing his art. In a fit of self-honesty (but one brought on by... er,
advice from friends and family), he switched gears and attended art school
in Philadelphia. He is currently living in Hillsborough, New Jersey, and is
currently attempting to find permanent employment (that, more than a few
commissions, will help pay the bills). He would also like to see all the episodes
of The Big O. Previous otaku efforts include fan art contributions to the
Art Gallery at Otakon 2000.
His biggest dream? That Yoshiyaki Kawajiri, James Cameron,
and Mamoru Oshii join forces to do a film. That would kick serious @$$.
Carl "I sure did" Filler
Voice of: "Cherry Blossoms of Friendship" Kouji
Favorite Anime: Cowboy Bebop
Website: Wonton Destruction
[Webmster's Note: It fails to load for me too, kids]
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Perhaps"
What is the airspeed: "Forty keys, biotch."
[As he told me personally, he will come later...]
Jacob "Smashbot" Goldston
Voice of: "Tyler" Mitsukake, Optimus Prime, Richard Hackard's Biggest Fan
Favorite Anime: Giant Robo, Ruroni Kenshin
Website: None
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "That information is classified at this
What is the airspeed: "Precisely 26.4 coulombs per newton."
Jacob was found in a basket on the doorstep of a London
orphanage. When he was 15 years old. After his brief stint as an professional
lubricant tester, he was press-ganged by a group of unscrupulous anime traders
and served as crew on their ship, the Cherry Blossom. In six months time, however,
the Cherry Blossom sank due to a sudden storm, and Jacob was forced to cling to a
piece of driftwood until he came ashore on a small island off the coast of Siam.
There he met a mysterious old man who taught him the ancient arts of Jew Jitsu.
Eventually, though, Jacob felt the need to discover his roots, and was
mysteriously drawn to the town of Princeton. There, he underwent brainwashing by
a group of renegade CIA agents and his memories were erased. Now, it is said that,
if you listen closely on a cold winter night, you can hear his eery calls resound
throughout the trees ...
Andrew Hunter
Voice of: "No More Music Videos" Video Ops Guy, "Feminine Side" Sailor
Moon, Various background voices
Favorite Anime: The collected works of Masamune Shirow
Website: Project 2501:
The Puppet Master
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Yep"
What is the airspeed: "..." ::falling-to-one's-death sounds::
I'm orginally from West Windsor, NJ and go to school at the
University of Hartford in Connecticut. I plan
to graduate this January and I study sex, drugs, rock and roll, and oh yeah --
audio engineering. 2001 will be the 5th Otakon
that I have attended and I have been into anime for about 8 years now. I'm also a
big big fan of Hong Kong cinema. I have yet to make any music videos but I have
a couple ideas once I get some time, a computer, and bigger balls. I enjoy
watching TV/movies, video games, bar hopping, and playing with my band. If I sound
interesting enough to talk to, you can reach me at WTBah@aol.com.
Dianne Adler
Voice of: Jessie's Mother
Favorite Anime: Fushigi Yuugi, Marmalade Boy, Trigun
Website: "Website? I'm lucky that I can manage e-mail!"
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Sure are! We've been waiting all year,
since our first time in 2000."
I'm not sending a picture, but I'll be the middle-aged anime
groupie at the con with a bunch of anime/manga addicted kids around me. If you
can't beat 'em, join 'em! This has been my first attempt at voice acting, and
first contribution to anything otaku, but the "bug" bit me a long ago, and
it has been great fun to even help out a little bit!
[If only my mom were this cool]
Michelle Adler
Voice of: "Oh Duane" Belldandy, "My Favorites Are..." Tomoyo
Favorite Anime: Fushigi Yuugi, Marmalade Boy, Trigun
Favorite Manga: Fushigi Yuugi
Website: None
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Yes, I will be there"
[Webmaster's note: At this time, it appears Ms. Adler has
no further comment]
Voice of: Citizen Lain, "Wow, TV" Sakura
Favorite Anime: Fushigi Yuugi, Marmalade Boy, Trigun
Cowboy Bebop
Website: None
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Yeah, I'm gonna be at Otakon"
Uh...I really don't have anything to say, except that I
like to draw.
Craig J. Clark
Voice of: "The Chair" Consuite fan, Karaoke Engineer
Favorite Anime: Serial Experiments Lain, Cowboy Bebop,
Everything Miyazaki
Website: Stuffed, Legless
Duck Productions
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Unfortunately, the groupies will have
to learn to live with disappoinment."
What is the airspeed: "Blue. No, yelloooooooooow!"
[Finally! A correct answer! "And it was
funny too!"]
I am a playwright and theater technician who works primarily
in the Philadelphia area. I have had a number of my short plays produced in
Philadelphia and in such exotic locales as Wilmington, DE, Tucson, AZ, and even
Ewing Township, NJ. I also have a day job, but that is of interest to no one but
my landlord and my mother, who always wanted me to have something to fall back on
if I insisted on going ahead with the theater thing. I have also written a number
of screenplays, one of which was runner-up for an award, and a novel, which I
should probably see about getting published one of these millennia.
I like soup.
Janet Hsu
Voice of: "Outlaw Star Toy" Catgirl, "I think I'm lost" Fan,
"17th angel..." Video Ops lady
Favorite Anime: X, Tokyo Babylon, Gensomaden
Saiyuki, CLAMP Campus Detectives, Digimon
Website: akaisakura's Page of
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "Hmmmm... yes... I suppose I should
show up... ::pondering sounds::"
What is the airspeed: "Is it a happy unladen swallow or a depressed one?
@_@ Hmmm... The possible ramifications are incredible..."
Nothing to share here... Just a boring person from New
Jersey... Who spends waaay too much time at work dealing with six & seven year old
terrors... er, kids... ^_^ Who reads waaay too many fics from the waaay too many
mailing lists she's lurking on in her little miniscule bits of spare time... And
tries to make anime Winamp skins in the crumbs
of time left over...
Desiree Liu
Voice of: "Count me out" school girl
Favorite Anime: Detective Conan, Doraemon, Fujiro
Fujiko, Princess Bride, Miyazaki Stuff, Hime-chan no Ribbon,
Hana Kimi, Hercales, Fushigi Yuugi, Sailor Moon, El
Spiritu del Mar, Marmalade Boy, B. Hunter, Trigun, Clamp
Works, Akemi Takada, Kaori Yuki, Angel Sanctuary, Miyuki Yamaguchi
Website: "::maniacal laughter sounds::"
Will you be attending Otakon 2K1: "What? A whole weekend with unwashed,
cranky, unslept, frustrated, poor Otakus (like me)? Of course!"
What is the airspeed: "42! Forty-two! That's the answer to everything in
the universe! Oh, what's the unit? Do I care? I'm no fscking physics major!"
Ah... For all those who knew me from the Penpalling ring,
this is Chiko Ri or Ruri Hime, or for those who knew me from Princeton, you know who
I am. Anyway, Bio, bio... I'm a poor, little, pathetic college student from Rutgers University. Just transferred from Livingston College to Cook College to persue my major, Landscape
Architecture, which I do hope to stay in by the end of my sophomore year... It's a
terrifying program where the department makes up a 4-year schedule for you. Really,
they do. Anyway, otherwise, I'm just an average, everyday, girl you see down the
street that you might not even notice when you walk past her. Damn straight, I'm
short, so what? Unlike Lukas, I'm no bootleg. I'm a fully copyrighted at 1982, one
and only, 120% Chinese, 1st generation Hong Kongnese, produced and packaged in
Hong Kong. Really, I am real. If you see a look-alike Chiko running around beyond
Princeton and New Brunswick, it's very likely that it's some sort of cheap Taiwanese
bootleg. (No, I'm not dissing Taiwanese, for that I am half myself) [Wait, that
would make her half bootleg...] There's one and only one me running around.
You could see that "Copyrighted: 1982" sign tattooed on my right hip; it's no "SM"
label. Anyway, I shall shut up and go. You could find out more about me in the
penpalling ring, be seeing you in Otakon, or the FB ring!